Monday, 17 February 2025

Mon 17th HW


Grow in Love: An Phaidir

Choose 2 gifts of the Holy Spirit (pg. 104) and write 2 sentences on each as to what they might mean to you. 


Clerihew: Write out 4/5 facts about yourself that you would like to include in a Clerihew about yourself.

Watch this narrative poem on Youtube - Car Trip by Michael Rosen

Pick another suitable title for a narrative poem (mine is, "The School Run")


BAM pg. 136 Q1 (blue box)


Irish sheet - Na Siopaí

Read Oifig an Phoist & Siopa Leictreonaice

Questions 1-3 on the other side

Abairtí: ollmhargadh, brisseadh, chun _ a fháil..


WW1 sketch note due for Wednesday. We'll be doing it in class and for homework this week

20 for 20 books

Book & Topic of the Week

World Book Day