10 Word Tiny-Tale Essays

 The Woman in the Woods 

Olivia tries to scream, but nothing comes out as she watches the woman standing beside her. The woman’s malicious cackles disrupt the silence of the forest, and she begins to sharpen the knife that hasn’t left her hand since they got here. Olivia shuts her eyes as she desperately tries to think of a plan, but her mind is blank. It’s hopeless. “This is it,” she thinks. “It’s over.” 

The woman brings the knife to Olivia’s chest. Olivia struggles with the ropes holding her down, while the woman grins demonically. She pushes the knife down, harder, and harder, as Olivia struggles to breath. Suddenly, the woman falls to the ground with a thud. Olivia stares at her in shock. But then she realises the woman has dropped the knife. 

Right onto her chest. 

Right within her reach. 

In a flash, Olivia grabs the knife, and cuts the ropes tying her down. She leaps up, and dashes away. Her heart races as her feet pound heavily onto the ground below. She has no idea if the woman has woken up, no idea if she was chasing her.  

Eventually, Olivia reaches the outskirts of the forest, and begins to slow down. She leans against a tree, gasping for breath. A car drives down the road beside her, and it stops when the driver sees Olivia. The man gets out, and rushes over to her. “Are you ok?” he asks, worried about this girl he found slumped against a tree. “We have to go,” she whispers urgently, her voice cracking. “Go, now, quickly!”   

By Saoirse, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: The woman’s malicious cackles disrupt the silence of the forest. 



Swimming in the lake she sees a body floating nearby 
Eve wants to go for a late-night swim in this mysteriously secret lake, which she goes to every night. But this night feels a little eerie. She tries to forget about it, but someone starts whispering in her ear. “Hello?” said Eve, with a crack in her voice. 
More whispers start swarming in her ears. “Go away.” she whispered back and thought she should clear her head at the lake. Walking down like always, “Finally” she thought as smoke appeared when she took a breath. 
Nervously looking around making sure nothing was different. Tall skulking trees around the hidden lake with the moon peeking through. “Is there something in the water?” she whispered but she thinks nothing of it. 
Little steps into the water, one foot at a time until she gets underwater. Swimming peacefully in the lake she closes her eyes to relax immediately opening them as if something was there. Suddenly, she saw a dark tall figure looking directly at her in the distance. Panic going through her head. “Who is that? “What's happening? Straight away she swims away. Anxiously swimming splashing water everywhere. 
Nervously looking back as if the figure was getting closer. She turned around and saw a body floating right next to her. 
Trembling, as her heart beats faster. More smoke appeared as she took breaths. Plunging herself underwater swimming with chills going down her spine. Finally, she makes it out, the sand tickling her feet as she sprints to her towel. Her teeth chattering, sweating with fear she hears more whispers in her ear. Getting louder and louder. The tall trees started mysteriously moving in together, closer, and closer to her. Screaming for help only to realise she’s locked in the middle of a daunting forest. 

By Laila, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: Swimming in the lake she sees a body floating nearby. 





As the sun disappeared below the horizon, casting a shadow over the city, two girls, Anna and Freya found themselves being lured into the eerie depths of an abandoned escape room building by a tall, mysterious figure, unsure of what awaited them inside.  


A sense of unease settled over them, as they reluctantly trudged into the room, their hearts pounding with apprehension. The buildings once vibrant exterior now muted by neglect and the passage of time. Crumbling bricks and shattered windows inside, the dust danced in the dim light, filtering through the broken ceiling.  


The silence was pervasive, broken only by the creak of distressed floorboards. Each room held secrets of its own. In each corner shrouded in mystery. It exuded an air of anticipation, with symbols and hidden compartments waiting to be uncovered by those daring enough to enter. 


Anna and Freya wandered through the halls into the escape room, the door slamming behind them. Searching for clues all around the room. Eventually, they got out and headed for the exit, but the door at the end of the hall wouldn't open, or any other doors. Hours and hours they were there for until one of them disappeared. Freya was gone.  

Anna frantically checked every single inch of the whole building, but she was nowhere to be found. She vanished. In the darkness, whispers echoed, she realised she wasn't alone. Every shadow concealed a hidden threat. Suddenly, a glint of crimson pierced the shadows, freezing her in place as a pair of red eyes locked onto hers, unblinking, intense. Panic surged through her veins as the whispers grew louder. Feeling a grasp on her shoulder, realising it was all over. "Help me!" She screamed, but her voice was lost in the silence. 


By Millie, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: In the darkness, whispers echoed. She realised she was not alone. 





Ren’s Diary 

By Oisín, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: Dread insued our bodies when we heard the alarm. 



The Girl 

Her smile still haunts me till this day, why? How? My name is Dillon, I’m 15 years old, I’m in a family of 4 my mom, dad, and my sister. One day, I’m on my way home from school. I just finished my Junior Cert. I skipped along the footpath, taking in my surroundings. Suddenly, I saw three Garda cars lined up outside my house. I froze. Worriedly I dashed over and jumped in the door. 


 Cautiously I creeped into the living room. Tissues everywhere. I took a quick glance around. I saw three garda, my mom and dad. My mom was heartbroken. My dad in denial. Worriedly I asked my mom what had happened “our baby, is gone, gone we left her alone for a few hours and she was gone.” she cried. ‘How, how, she can’t just disappear.’’ I thought to myself. I asked the garda if there were any clues, but he said,” the only evidence we have is a broken window, a dagger and a few shards of glass with tiny bits of fingerprints.” With my sister gone, I’m lost she was my best friend. And now she’s gone. 


 My life went downhill from there. I was failing exams; I was getting increasingly depressed every day. Until I turned 18. My life turned around, I was happier, I made some friends, but she was still on my mind. All the time. I convinced myself to find out who did this and get revenge. Worriedly, I set off on my mission to find who killed my sister.  


First, I decided to go to the very same garda, I found them and asked for the flies of Leah McCarthy, they hesitantly gave it to me. I stared at it day and night; my brain rattled. Until I finally narrowed it down to 3 people: Sarah Millin, John McCoy, Bob Brady. Only two of these people even know her. Bob Brady and Sarah Millin. It was Sarah Millin. Cautiously, I creeped up the decrepit looking porch, slowly I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again, no answer, looking closer there a small slit in the door. It was open... 

By Advik




Will It Start Again? 


James was at his friends New Years Eve party. After lots of singing and dancing, they eventually started the countdown. 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, nothing James stared around in dismay everyone froze, someone was even freezing mid-air. Someone else had spilt water and that was also stuck mid-air. That wasn’t the only thing, all smells, tastes, sounds, had also disappeared like the air froze as well. It was as if everything froze for James… 


James figured out a plan that if he could get a loud noise or an explosion it might shock earth into unfreezing itself. James headed out to the science lab. He thought if he made a small explosion that it wasn’t too big to blow up the city it would work. As James headed around the corner, he saw a group of men who weren’t frozen like him. James was about to ask for help when one of them pointed a gun at him. James froze. He tried to run but his feet were rooted to the spot. The man shouted, “Get down on your knees!.” James obediently did as he was told. Suddenly, bang, black. 


“How are you not frozen!” boomed a voice. 

‘I don’t know,” James stammered as a bright light shone into his face. Looking around, he saw two silhouettes standing in front of him. James tried to get up but realised he’d been tied to a chair. Then the voice spoke again, what are you doing here. I came to see if I could start time again. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a clock. Not like any other clock he’d seen before with the time for every time zone with stop, start buttons on the side. James knew what he had to do, grabbing his knife from his pocket, and cut through the rope. He stared at the two men they quickly realised something was up. James made a run for it. So close know 5 steps, 4, 3, 2, he jumped. 


10 seconds 1 boy 1 world, does he stop them? 

By Tom, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale:  10 seconds 1 boy 1 world, does he stop them? 




London is Asleep 

London City is asleep Joe lives in London, it is late at night and the moonlight pushes the darkness away. Joe is fast asleep, but little does he know, robots are marching the streets of London, looking for revenge upon all humans. Step by step the robots march the streets of London, not a human being in sight. The light post flickers his final minutes. The robots enter houses and erase any signs of life within minutes. Until they reach Joe’s house. Fast asleep, Joe dreams of a tomorrow that will never happen. Squeak squeak.’ Joe’s eyes flash open but there’s nothing there? Under the bed? Nothing. In the closet? Nothing. Joe thinks nothing of it until it happens again! He wakes up with a bang! His eyes open to…. Absolutely nothing! But a weird buzzing sound was heard from outside his door. Slowly he crept over when a robot enters his room! “Dad!” screamed Joe, but have they already been taken? A shiver coursed through Joe’s body until he saw it. A gun laying outside his door. Screams could be heard for miles as Joe jumps out his bungalow’s window. Screaming for help, Joe runs the streets of London but the only reply he got was his very own echo. Down the ghost town of West Minister Joe spotted Big Ben. “I have no other option,” thought Joe. So, he ran inside, thinking about his family and friends who may not be with him anymore. Joe reached the top of Big Ben and looks down, hearing robots marching up the stairs behind him. As he looks down at his fate and takes a step toward the edge, he sees a familiar face. “JOE!” 

By Eoin, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale:  London city is asleep, but evil is wide awake




The Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress   

You can’t see me, but I can see you clearly. Lilly always hears noises in the middle of the night such as screaming, laughing, crashing, smashing. She’s always been suspicious of this one mirror in her house. When she moved in, the mirror looked historic, she hated it. She tried to take it down multiple times, it wouldn’t come down though it was like stuck to the wall, but she didn’t think anything of it though. She was always curious about it though whatever she was doing she would think of that mirror thoughts churned through her mind what is in there does it need to be saved or is it nothing at all or is it something extremely dangerous. One morning Lilly was awakened by a beckoning scream even though her eyes were half asleep she still tiptoed down the stairs. Carefully she opened the door and tiptoed to the mirror. As she stood there, she wondered what she got herself into. Lilly nervously walked over to the mirror. She looked at the mirror and decided to knock on it, she knocked once no answer she knocked again no answer she knocks one more time the mirror slowly cracked open. There she was a girl in a polka-dress living in Lillys mirror, Thoughts were churning around her mind is she in danger or is she the danger. Palms sweating, she slowly said hello, the girl in the polka -dot dress eyes were big and looked like they could tell hundreds of stories. The girl slowly said “Hello.” Lilly slowly walked up to her and tensely said how long have you been here for? The girl in the polka dot dress quietly said I……I don’t know it has felt like years. The girl in the polka-dot dress said come……come here Lilly slowly walked over to the mirror and said look…look at that the girl in the polka-dot opened the mirror and closed it shut. The girl in the polka-dot dress began to laugh creepily and said there is no escape now. Lilly was trapped inside a mirror no way to get out her hands were shaking, and she stared to cry tears of sadness. Why did she go in there she will never know a way to get in or out she thought, while she started to scream. 

By Jessica, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale:  You can’t see me, but I can see you clearly. 






As Mandy sat with her tightly buckled seat belt, the scent of smoke started to annoy her nose, until she understood. The smoke masks dropped, the plane spiralling closer and closer to the ground. There were five parachutes, and one had her name on it.  

There were four other girls her age jumping with her. 

They all hit the ground violently. The plane crashed with a loud thud right beside them, everyone inside dead.  

Rummaging through the plane, they found a tent, some water, and snacks, but that was all. Terrified, they scrambled from the plane as quickly as they entered.  

Carrying their foraged supplies, it was eventually time to set up camp. Once it turned dark, they needed food.  

“Natasha and I will go get some food” announced Lexi. 

” Be back soon” warned Alexa. 


Lexi and Natasha set off into the jungle. It was buzzing with life. Sweat was dripping off both. Quietness remained between them until Lexi shouted “LOOK! She was bent down beside a tiny bush with some bright berries dangling on it. “Wow, those look great” exclaimed Natasha, looking at the knife at her side, she liked Lexi, pity.  

Suddenly Lexi looked at her, despair in her eyes “what are you doing” she whispered, with a shaking voice. Natasha lunged at her, but she was already gone. Thrashing through the leaves, Natasha was right behind her.  

Lexi was about to make a sharp turn into the next line of trees when Natasha jumped on her and sliced her throat open. Natasha burst through the foliage next to their campsite and screamed “they got her, run!  

Quickly gathering their limited supplies, they frantically ran towards what looked like a little church, being slowly strangled by ivy. The lights were on, but no one was there, so they plopped down on the ground and went to sleep.  

In the middle of the night, a deafening screech pierced through the chilly night air, the lights were off. It was Alexa.  

Mandy, Natasha, and Saoirse ran from the shelter of the church, they found what they thought was the perfect hideout. After struggling to put up their tent, they desperately needed the water and berries, not the ideal snack, but it was all they had. 


“I need to go to the toilet” mentioned Saoirse. Wandering out into the ominous blackness of the jungle, oblivious to the danger lurking behind her.  

Quietly, Natasha crept up and within seconds Saoirse was dead. 


Natasha silently returned to the tent. But on her approach, she was startled, as she was the one being greeted by a glistening knife and wild eyes staring back at her.  

“I knew it was you all along.” 

By Kaelyn, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale:  FIVE KIDS, ONE DEAD EVERY NIGHT, BETRAYED BY THEIR OWN. 






“Yes boss, I understand,” 
Tim said with a quivering sound in his voice. 
“Good I knew you would.” 
Of course, I won’t let you down,” 
Tim croaked, before leaving the room, still shocked on what he had to do. 
By the time he was home, his daughter was already at the door waiting for his arrival. 
Ever since they found out that Tim and Suzie were on the opposite side, things 
haven’t been the same. 
When Suzie was assigned a job to live with a new family for a spy job at the age of seven, she reluctantly agreed not knowing what this would mean for her future. 
She had to, to keep a close eye on Tim, who is a spy on the other side, who has never been up to anything good. 
She had to act like everything was ok, so that Mom or Miles wouldn’t notice. 
They gave each other a quick glance before Tim burst into the kitchen, 
“I have news!” He exclaimed. 
Oh, what is it, Tim?!” Cried mom like this was the first piece of good news she had gotten in a long time. 
“I won the camping trip prize!” 
“And we leave in an hour so go pack!” 
When they got to the campsite, dad seemed rushed, like he was awaiting something 
“ So who wants s’mores!” Mom offered everyone. 
“I do!” Miles laughed 
“ I have to make a work call, sorry” 
“Ya, I have homework” said Tim and Suzie 
Knowing that what each other said was a complete lie. 
So, what do you really have to do?” Suzie asked 
But what Tim said is not what she expected. 
“Get rid of you” he whispered as he checked his surroundings. 
Suddenly Tim pushed Suzie off the side of the cliff. 
She was gone… 
“Help Suzie fell off the cliff!” Screamed Tim acting shocked 
“What!” Cried mom 
They all stood around the cliff, but when Miles spotted the guilty look on Tim’s face 
Miles knew all he needed too… 
Little did they know it was planned from the beginning… 

By Layla, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: Little did they know, it was planned from the beginning



I don't know him, but he knows me but how? 


“When I'm with someone I'm not alone, when I am alone, I'm not alone” Alice said to Rowan 

“Well to me it just sounds like you're going insane” Rowan chuckled 

Anyway, are you going to Brian Miller’s remembrance party on Friday" Rowan reminded.  

Properly not it would be weird going to some stranger's remembrance party” Alice said. Alice left to catch the bus home. While she was waiting on the bus something splashed mud on her new shoes ruining her day. For the last two months every day has been miserable. Its Friday Alice was in school about to eat her soup, she blinked, her hot soup was all over the principle. Alice got suspended for three days. After school Alice went for a walk in the forest. Alice strolled in the mossy forest tasting the humidity in the air. After a while Alice decided to rest, she found a log to sit on. she started to relax. 

After she got rid of all her stress she filled with fear. 

Hello, Alice, bad? day I hope it was” 

Alice turns around and punches a hooded figure, but her hand goes right through the body. The hooded figure put down his hod revealing the ghost of Brian Miller 

Don't you remember, two months ago you were driving in your car turn left on the footpath 

Running me over. you see that was the best day of my life, but you had you had to make it the worst, so I have been making every day the miserable for you.” 

“Were you the one who poured soup on principle shepherd” Alice asked still in disbelief. 

Yes, and I have been making day worse and worse. Now you are going to do everything I say OUR TOMARROW WILL BE YOUR LAST DAY!!! 

Brian forced Alice to go to the party to tell the truth Alice sprints to the party jumps on stage and grabs a mic off a musician  

“I killed Brian Miller “ 

Gasps from everyone at the party 

“I was mad I lost the biggest quiz of my life that I practise for months on, I was driving home, and Brian Miller was there, so I turned left and ran him over” Alice said fearing for her life. Turn yourself inBrian said with a wide grin. Alice went to jail where every day was miserable Brian Miller could finally rest in peace  

By Inés, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: I don't know him, but he knows me but how? 



Everything Is Changing 


Rachel was in the kitchen making breakfast, but as she turned on the TV, something was off about it. Oddly, weird creatures appeared on the screen. They were bald all over, tall but their eyes, they, they were different, it looked like they could… “Mom? as Rachel switched channels. Luke was curious but didn’t think anything of it until the air raid went off causing loud, monstrous noises, little did Rachel know what was about to happen. 

Cars crashing, people screaming, fires starting, until Rachel finally caught on. She grabbed Emma and Luke, locked all windows and doors, closed the curtains, and grabbed a few things in case anything happened but it wasn’t enough. People were banging on her door to let them in, but she couldn’t, after what she saw, she couldn’t trust anyone, they weren’t normal. SMASH! Head through the door, and there it was. Quickly, Rachel covered the kid's mouths, not daring to make a noise as the silence was disturbed by his demonic footsteps. 


Rachel was confused on why she didn’t leave earlier but she had no choice. A few minutes later she got up and looked out, they were wondering around, people all over the floor. “Put your blindfolds on! Rachel hushed. They set off but nowhere is safe now. Rachel brought anything that could off helped them, but it would be hard, the can only whisper, they must wear blindfolds and there are traps everywhere set for the monsters. Rachel could feel something flat, like a wall, hoping something would be there for them. Creaking noises everywhere Rachel took off the blindfold and so did the kids, quickly regretting everything, words swirling around her head leading to nothing. Hell was empty tonight, and all the devils were here as the child let out a scream…...! 

By Hollie, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: Don’t look, people are changing, what is wrong with them? 





Who Owns the World? 


A malicious smile painted across the Skull in the underground. There’s a skull underground who is now reborn 100,000 years dead. Now back, well before all this happened there was an evil Lord named Azazel who sacrificed his own life for the Skull. It’s now the year 3240. The two main characters are Ryan a brave heroic boy who is 15 years old, and the last human alive! The other Robotic Steve a robot that can cook, fight and is fast at doing everything a high-tech robot can do. The Skull has only one way of movement, his two arms. 


Now let’s cut to the chase, Azazel had a magical sword called the ‘Busic’ which can obliterate anything! However, that was an old wife's tale. The Skull wants to take over the world but needs the ‘Busic.’  


It all starts in Italy: An aroma of pizza coming from the Italian restaurant. “Really in this world every step you take is chaos” Steve mentioned. Sirens going off and super airships swooped over head to evacuate what the rough, dangerous Skull had destroyed. The menacing Skull stomped curiously around the town of Rome, followed by a snigger. “Come on” Steve shouted to Ryan, “time to save the world kiddo.” Suddenly screaming galore. The Skulls smile stretched across his face, as he continued to cause destruction in the city. “There goes the Colosseum” Ryan sighed, but before the Skull crushed it to a million pieces a small, slender man with a pointy moustache sprinted to the Skull, whispering a message to him. Ryan and Steve looked away for a split second. The Skull disappeared heading for the docks as he ran to get the ‘Busic’ hidden in a warehouse. Before long, the Skull had the ‘Busic’ in his position. Now he could finally destroy anything in his path….  


Ryan and Steve scrambled and put all their might into reaching the super boat. On the microphone the man announced, “the 3:30 boat to New York is now departing.” The two exchanged looks. The Skull on the boat, the ‘Busic.’ Could it be true? Is he trying to destroy New York next? Steve, and Ryan threw everything and got a fingers grip on the boat “whoa” …………………………they just made it on board. They kept a low profile during the sailing, knowing the Skull was armed with the dangerous weapon ‘the Busic.’   


Sometime later the Statue of Liberty in sight. They had landed. The Skull tiptoed across the façade of the building, acid liquid in his hands. Skull took his shot. The acid liquid went flying in the direction of Ryan! They needed him. But Steve did the unthinkable he… he... sacrificed his own life, jumping in front of Ryan and took his last breath. ‘It’s over’ the Skull laughed. The time is here for you to go. The ‘Busic’ aimed at his heart. Sheer terror inside Ryan but the unexpected happened. The Skulls brother his enemy, swooped in and saved Ryan. Ryan couldn’t believe it! The Skull transfixed on the pair leaped up onto the building. His brother threw the shrinking potion into the Skulls mouth, Ryan pierced his head with a sword, they caught him by surprise, and threw him off the edge. The skull faded into the light never to be seen again!!!!!!!!! The ‘Busic’ destroyed.  

By Jay, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: A malicious smile painted across the Skull in the underground. 




She peered through the gloom. Eyes stared back at her. 


The trees cast their shadows over Olivia, who was stumbling through the foliage as the moon crept through the leaves, trying to guide her. Regaining her balance, she peered around her trying to make out her surroundings. She focused ahead of her, when suddenly, a pair of eyes opened, revealing a stark green that blended in with the surroundings. She froze, but just as fast, she turned and sprinted, trying to get as far away from that thing as possible when she stumbled across a door, shrouded by greenery. 

An idea sprung to her mind. She made her way up the steps, the ivy tickling her ankles and grass latching onto her feet. She flung open the rusted door and lunged inside, the realisation dawning on her that it was day. Confused and terrified, she stopped dead in her tracks as a distant shuffle of feet warned her of someone approaching behind her. The sun fell towards the horizon, staining the sky a mix of red and pink, but as she looked, she noticed that there was a countdown on the sun – 10 minutes. Wind brushed past her from behind as a voice announced, “welcome to my imagination.” Olivia’s eyes widened as her mouth hung open. “What?” she whispered. “You might want to start running,” he answered. “I’ll give you 1 minute to hide.” Olivia took off down the grassy hill towards the ancient village – so old it might fall apart – instead of the huge mansion on the other side. 

Olivia reached the village, bustling with people and came to the realisation that everyone in the village looked like him. Every, single, person. Twisting their head slowly, one of them noticed her and shock clouded his eyes. “Somebody’s here!” he yelled, making everyone twist their head towards her. They all ran. In her direction. Anger contorted their features as fear coursed through Olivia, keeping her frozen in place. Eventually, common sense prevailed, and she twisted on her heel and took off. She sprinted towards the mansion that loomed over the village and banged on the door, throwing glances over her shoulder at the people coming towards her, all with the same face, while noticing that the clock on the sun changed to 3 minutes. She changed her tactic, ran to the nearest window, and punched, breaking the glass. Olivia pounced inside and found an open door. She flung herself inside, where she found an open portal leading to a forest and jumped out, just as the same man from before screamed in fury behind her at her getting away. The portal slammed shut, leaving just Olivia’s beating heart and the hotel looming behind her. 

By Katie, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: She peered through the gloom. Eyes stared back at her. 





They may see you, but you might not see them 

Mike is twenty-six years old and is new to his job and neighbourhood. One morning, Mike was running late to work so he had to rush and get dressed, but while he was getting ready, he spotted a figure in the middle of the street, wearing full black clothing staring him dead in his eyes. Mike was freaked out, and was rooted to the spot, but when he blinked the figure was gone. When the figure was gone, shook up Mike left his house and went off to work. 

Later, he was at work and the figure re appeared, this time Mike instantly ran to his office and hid, again Mike was shaken up but this time he had a bad feeling about all of it. So, when he was asked to work late, he unwillingly mumbled “alright” little did he know it would be the scariest night of his life. 

Exhausted Mike finished his late shift as he trudged back to his car. On his way back to his car he notices somebody is not too far behind him and is worried that it is the person that’s been stalking him all day. Speeding up, Mike realizes so does the person follow him. At this point Mike is sprinting and taking quick turns. He thinks he’s lost the person who was following him, until he gets back to his car. 

Mike runs and fling his car door open and jumps in and starts whispering to himself “why just why does it have to happen to me.” Paranoid he keeps checking his mirrors, he is nearly home now. Suddenly he hears ruffling in the back seat of his car, he instantly swings back to investigate the backseat when he looks down, suddenly his face turns ghost white and his body freezes…. 


By Mark, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: They may see you, but you might not see them 







In the run-down city of Las Vegas where robots have taken over. Everybody is on the edge and losing the minds. 

One day Jack couldn’t take it anymore, so one night he goes out asking his sister to come and help save this run-down city and make it like it used to be. So, they set off to the control tower. 

They had to climb all the way up to the top. At the top they had a view of the whole city. They sneaked around the back, where they could see guards waiting for them. They had to come up with a plan on how they were going to take down the guards. 

Jack and Jill both saw a path they could try to get in, so they chanced it, but when they got to the door it was locked, Jack started smashing it open and the alarm went off. Jack and Jill went to turn and suddenly the robots were on top of them, so they had to fight. 

Jack and Jill were so lucky and won the battle. They were jumping up and down with joy they thought they had saved the city but there was a whole bigger army marching up the tower ready to take over Jacks heart was racing, what were they going to do? 

By Ryan, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: NO ONE LEAVES, NO ONE LIVES AND EVERYONE IS STUCK. 





The ground begins to quake as my dreams become reality. 

Harry feels alone, all he has is himself and his imagination. Harry’s thought drowned his mind as he lay listless in his delipidated bed. He wondered to himself as he searched his mind for something to do. Suddenly the voices inside his head begin to scream in agony as if they have been trapped for an eternity. Out of nowhere the rapidly began to quake as his body drowned itself with fear. “Oh no,” “what will I do” he mumbled helplessly to himself. Harry just stood glued to the floor with fear. 

Suddenly, a dark ominous figure emerged from the shadow beneath his bed. “Help Harry whined. Fear coursed through his veins as Harry bolted out of his bedroom to evade the horrific creature that lives in his imagination. The moon in the sky did its best to scare away the shadows but was no match for the monstrous creatures. Frantically Harry searched his head for an answer but was ignored by the menacing voices inside his head. Harry was petrified, “why is this happening to me” he stuttered. 

“What is that?That voice inside my head it’s so loud but yet so quiet” as Harry evasively ran along the street worryingly, he fears if he is being followed. Mysteriously, a dark ominous figure protruded from the shadows and painted a fearful face on Harry’s. His stomach churned as the creature came closer with one step, two, three, four. Harry dashed frantically trying to save himself. Within the blink of an eye Harry was gone. But the creature is just too fast. Is it too late for Harry or will this story take a dark turn. 

By David, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: The ground begins to quake as my dreams become reality. 




I am My Own Worst Enemy  

Those who saw him hushed. It was a silence that heard itself, awful and sick. Some thought at first it might be a trick of the light, something to do with the weather. An accident, others figured it was a build up to something evil. 

Richard was only 17 years old when he was on the way back to his house from a holiday in Spain with his mom, dad, and little sister Andrea. Richard and his mom were in the car with Andrea waiting for their dad to get the suitcases from Cork Airport. A half an hour or so and most of the carpark was empty, Richard's mom decided to ring him but no answer she gets worried and goes to look for him with along with the Guards with what seemed like forever they went back home with no sign of him at all. 

After a month or so on Richard's birthday he wished that he would find his dad one day. When he blew out his candles, he felt much better but then there was a knock on the door and his mom went to get it … it was a Guard. Richard's mom fell to her knees when she heard the news his dad was dead tears streamed down their faces. What happened who was behind it and what did they want. At his dad's funeral he never thought silence would be so loud. It was the saddest day of his life, and it was always there to haunt him. 

After a few weeks he had to take up all his time to mind his five-year-old sister while his mom was taking up two shifts at work to get more money to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. After school one day he got his results to his leaving cert, and he got a perfect score on all his Exams he rushed home to show his mom he could not wait he quickly rushed home through the gloomy foggy night. He made it back home just in time for tea he opened the door and ran into the kitchen it was quiet he felt a cold breeze on his neck 

He switches on the light in the kitchen to find his mom and five-year-old sister dead he screamed from the top of his lungs as the pain flashed before his eyes. Trembling with fear he collapsed. He woke up in a hospital bed with a Guard next to him. It turns out he collapsed and missed their funeral. When he was allowed to leave the Hospital, he left with the guard to go and visit his moms and sisters' graves. He fell to his knees and started to pray and crying, what did I do to deserve this he bellowed remembering everything he went through as he was about to leave, he stumbled across a grave saying his name and when he was going to die, who was behind it and what did they want? 

By Andrew, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: I can't see him, I'm my own worst enemy 






“Billy, come on!” Shouted Mom. “But it’s my birthday!” Protested Billy. “It’s not just your birthday, its Ross’s too!” replied Mom. “Okay.” Moaned Billy. “Do you have the flowers?” Mom asked. “Erm, I think so” responded Dad. “Well, go get them!” bellowed mom. “Okay, okay, I have them!” replied Dad. “Do you have the keys?” questioned Mom. “Yes, I have everything!” answered Dad. 

Off they went in the car to the grave. Since it was already dark Dad ended up taking a wrong turn and somehow got lost in some random back road. “Are we nearly there yet Dad!” questioned Billy. “Uh, ya, it should just be up this hill I think” Replied Dad. So, they went up the hill, but they could not see anything except the small hut in the distance. Mom decided to go up to the hut and ask where they were, but she didn’t know what a mistake that would be. 

“Yes!” said the old lady at the door. “sssorry I'm just wondering where we are” asked Mom. “Oh, we are in a place called Ballycanew” replied the old lady. “Alright, thank you very much.” said Mom. “Wait, before you go, do you want to call in for a cup of tea?” offered the old lady. “Sure.” answered Mom. That was a costly mistake Mom soon realised. When Mom sat down, she saw the woman mischievously laughing. Mom ran. She got to the car out of breath. 

After searching for 45 minutes, they finally found the grave. They strolled to Ross’s grave where they saw a man already there. “Who's that?” wondered Billy. The family wondered closer, but the man heard them coming and turned around. It was Ross, his grave was open. The family ran, Ross chased. The family got to the car, they thought they were clear until they heard “BANG” and looked up and it was Ross, they knew they were doomed... 

By Cillian, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: EVERY MONTH THEY VISITED THE OLD GRAVE UNTIL ONE DAY... 





She Opened her eyes To Somebody Tapping on Her Window 


It was a beautiful starry night, everyone in London was asleep or so Hannah thought. Hannah was fast asleep as she was exhausted after a long day at school, but little did she know that things were soon going to change. In the dead of night, she opened her eyes to somebody tapping on her window. Frozen like a statue, she didn’t dare to move a muscle, or even take a breath. 

The tapping stopped, only to be replaced by another sound.............the creaking of the window opening. Everything was black, besides many colourful buttons. The silence in the room was deafening until a soft voice whispered, “Don’t be scared.” “Who are you and why are you in my room?" Hannha replied, quivering. Bob introduced himself and explained that he was looking for a friend because he was lonely. After Bob’s explanation Hannah began to relax, so they began talking and soon became friends. 

They both found out that they love exploring London, so they decide to go on a midnight stroll, but little did they know something big was going to happen. The flashing streetlight looked like stars in the night sky. The moon reflecting off the face of Big Ben and lit up the street. They decide to go down a different street and explore. Everything was normal until they saw a dark figure. 

“Quick, hide” Bob quivered. “From what?” Hannah whispered all confused. “From Jerry.” Who is Jerry and why are we hiding from him All these questions and more, swirled around Hannah like a tornado. Before Bob answered any of her questions, he was gone into the dark eerie alleyway to hide. Not knowing what to do, Hannah followed him. But it was too late Jerry had already saw Hannah. 

Bob and Hannah were hiding behind some bins when they heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Hannah’s heart skipped a beat, and then everything went black, but little did Hannah known when she was knocked out that Bob and Jerry were fighting. Hannah’s head was spinning, she tried to stand up, but she fell over, eventually she stood up. 

“Bob” screamed Hannah on the top of her lungs, nothing. She screams again, nothing, so Hannah tiptoed down the street out of the alleyway, and she saw a dark figure, “is it Jerry or Bob, do I run or stay” Hannah thought. Then she heard someone calling her name, and she sees Bob limping towards her, and they were best friends forever. 


By Amy, inspired by the ten-word, tiny tale: She Opened her eyes To Somebody Tapping on Her Window 



The Dream Factory 

Lily is a quiet but very interesting ten-year-old girl who lives in an orphanage in the centre of London. She shares a bedroom with ten other girls and has ownership of the bottom bunk at the very end of the bedroom. 

One night while Lily was drifting off to sleep, she heard the gentle pattering of tiny feet scurrying across the floor. I must be dreaming, she said still half asleep. She peered under her bed and jumped straight back under her covers when she saw what was there. This can’t be real she thought. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. She thought she was still dreaming when she saw loads of tiny mice. Not ordinary mice but smaller and had blue fur. Lilly hid herself under the blanket waiting for them to leave. But that wasn’t going to be the case. 

The next minute, a strange figure swiped her from her bed and dragged her out of the orphanage kicking and screaming down the deserted dark road. She screamed and tried to wiggle away from her abductor, but it was no use. She was shoved into a big dark black sack. She just had to sit and wait to see what would happen next. 

By the time she got out it was morning, air tickled her cheeks. She saw all of the mice from the night before and a strange man with a top hat, a long coat and a dark cane. She had so many questions. Where am I, who are you and why did you take me. I am Jake I own this factory and you were not supposed to see me and my mice. 

Lilly entered the factory. It had huge multicoloured walls and labs with strange tools and equipment all around. Lily wasn’t sure about this place at first but after spending a couple of days here she began to like it and didn’t want to leave. She begs to stay crying “please please can I stay”. 

Suddenly, clear images of her friends and all her favourite things from home flash through her mind. “Are you okay?” Jake asks her. “Yea just tired she replied” realizing that she was so focused on staying there that she hadn’t even thought about what she’d be leaving behind. 

The next day Jake insisted on bringing her home, so he waited until midnight before delivering her back to the orphanage. 

She took one last look out of her blurry bedroom window and watched as an army of mice scurried down the street and marched across London while the town sleeps. 

By Leah  



Lethal Company 

“Welcome to your first day on the job, we know you’ll be a great asset to the company”, comes from the intercom. The people stood beside me confused. I don’t remember applying for this job, but that didn’t trouble me. I picked up a piece of paper, name: Terry, occupation: company 018, age: 21, the notes writing disappeared, blood ink formed: only I see her, she giggles, they think I’m insane. 

Three people looked at me lost, please reroute the ship to ‘experimentation 41’. Josh our tech expert tabbed into the company computer; he pulled the lever. We left the planets orbit and landed on the planet’s surface. Hurriedly the crew ran into the facility, there was three doors, which way. the right door flew open, a large bug ran through. Josh scanned it, name: ‘Snare flea’, danger level: 30%, description: snare fleas are large insectoids, they hang from the ceiling and drop on their prey to suffocate them. Terry sprints down the corridor, he freezes. The others ran past him. A girl in a red dress stared at him, she vanished. Suddenly Terry felt a tap on his shoulder. “You right their mate?”, says Oliver. He’s the bright one. The name’s Arthur I’m a natural historian. Josh swiftly interrupts, “We have to return the ship, it’s almost midnight”. We take off. 

Please reroute the ship to ‘Titan 8’. Terry volunteered to stay on the ship along with Arthur. Oliver and Josh ran into the facility. Terry stood there watching the cameras. “Do I take a left, over?”, says a voice from the radio. “Yes” replies Terry. Terry veered his head to the right, a girl in a red dress starred back at him. She skips towards the ship and disappears in front of the camera. Oliver and Josh dashed into the ship; the girl stands behind them. A tear seeped through my mask, everyone looked at me worried, my body falls to the floor. 

“Welcome to you first day on the job, we know you’ll be a great asset to the company”, comes a voice from the intercom, three people stood beside me confused. I didn’t remember applying for this job, but that didn’t bother me. I picked up a piece of paper, name: George, age: 19, occupation: ‘Company 118’. The note’s writing disappeared, blood ink formed: He stands in the shadows, his eyes follow you. 

By Richard  - Only I see her, she giggles, they think I'm insane


Who am I? 

I laughed as I chased Emma down the road,” You’re never going to catch me!” She called out. Speeding up down the narrow path, I chased her to the road. She ran across the busy road, cars whizzing past her. Quickly I followed and I glanced beside me, suddenly aware of how fast the cars were going. A car was speeding towards me. The driver slammed on the brakes and beeped the horn, but it was too late, the car hit me. Emma’s screams ringing in my ears… 

Groggy and disorientated, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was expecting a hospital room but I was in my bedroom. “Maybe it was all just a dream?” I thought to myself. The house was eerily quiet and I had a strange feeling that something was wrong. Quietly I tiptoed downstairs and made breakfast. An hour passes and I started to get worried,” MOM, DAD” I called out. Nobody responded, I looked out the window and saw that their cars weren’t in the driveway. Confused, I went over to Emma’s house until my parents came back. When I got to her house, I saw that the door was wide open so I went inside. I could hear sobbing coming from Emma’s room so I went in to see what was wrong. “Emma are you ok?” I asked her. She ignored me and continued sobbing. “Emma? She ignored me again so I left. On my way home I passed a graveyard. I decided to visit my Grandads grave. As I was walking towards it, I noticed a pearly white marble headstone next to his. I peered at the headstone; my name was on it…. 

By Kate inspired by the ten-word tiny tale: I peered at the headstone my name was on it… 

HW Tue 14th

 20 for 20 books!!! Get those books read and reviews done. Cereal boxes to finish off scrapbook Shoe box with memorabilia and materials need...