Wednesday 24 January 2024

Wed 24th HW


English: Spell It - Unit 15

Amárach sheet - 12 - 21


Léigh An Ceolchoirm (sheet)

Pick 6 verbs from the AC and change to the AF

Change 2 sentences from the scéal and change fully to the AF


Continue your sketch note for your essay

Begin the planning sheet

Find an example of personification in a book


MYM week 18 - Wed

BAM pg. 79 - Q2


Music Through The Decades 

Art: Design the 80s part of the poster - think of a symbol for the center and write in 2/3 songs, artists, and dances from that decade

Upload 2 songs to Padlet - boost your WPM

Reading for at least 20 minutes each night. You will get your new target tomorrow. 

HW Tue 14th

 20 for 20 books!!! Get those books read and reviews done. Cereal boxes to finish off scrapbook Shoe box with memorabilia and materials need...