Monday 19 February 2024

Mon 19th HW


- Vocab - Word Wall test (2+3) Friday

- An Cheolchoirm test - Thursday


Research 5 symbols of the Holy Spirit. Write/draw them into your H1 with a sentence explaining each. 


English: Unit 17

Irish - highlighted in sheet


3 abairtí:

An ndeachaigh? An dtéann? An rachaidh? 

You must be able to answer these questions yourself with more than 2 sentences!!!


Cherihew on your favourite music artist

Holes: read chapters 17, 18 + 19. Write a 1x6 summary, briefly explaining what happened in these chapters. Can we add anything to Stanley's poster in class?


MYM week 21 - Mon

BAM pg. 93 Q1+2


Learn Ár nAthair 

Grow in Love - read pgs. 153+154

Music Through The Decades 

Art: Design the 2010s part of the poster - think of a symbol for the center and write in 2/3 songs, artists, and dances from that decade

Upload 2 songs to Padlet - boost your WPM

20 for 20 book target

HW Tue 14th

 20 for 20 books!!! Get those books read and reviews done. Cereal boxes to finish off scrapbook Shoe box with memorabilia and materials need...