Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thurs 30th HW


Starlight Unit 13A 

Answer Activity E


Sheet pg. 52 (Written Problems) 9-12


Sheet - Translate page 36 of Gairdín an Fhathaigh.
Sheet, side 75 - Briathra Neamhrialta - complete on the page


Gaeilge: Mionfhocail: "ar dtús" as far as "uaireanta" & áfach (however), chun (to), de ghnáth (usually)

English: Spell it - unit 10 box 46, 47, 48


00s Poster and Padlet 

20 for 20 books

Topic of the Week

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Wed 29th HW


Starlight Unit 13A - read the unit

Answer Activity B


Sheet pg. 52 (Written Problems) 1-8


Sheet - Translate first page of Gairdín an Fhathaigh down as far as "chéile"


Gaeilge: Mionfhocail: ar dtús - uaireanta

English: Spell it - unit 10 box 46, 47, 48


90s Poster and Padlet - 4 sections done for tomorrow

20 for 20 books

Book & Topic of the Week

Explanation Project - presentations tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Tue 28th HW


Starlight Unit 13A - read the unit

Pick 3 words (can be from this unit/a book you are reading that could go on the word wall)

Answer Activity  C (word to substitute) + D (just write the missing words in order, not the whole paragraph)


Sheet pg. 51 (Mental Problems) 1-12


Timpiste Bóthar Test tomorrow


Gaeilge: Mionfhocail: ar dtús - uaireanta

English: Spell it - unit 10 box 46, 47, 48


90s Poster and Padlet - 4 sections done for tomorrow

20 for 20 books

Book & Topic of the Week

Explanation Project - presentations tomorrow!!!

Monday, 27 January 2025

Mon 27th HW


Complete the following into your H1

Part 1: Fix the Mistakes

Each sentence below has missing capital letters and commas. Rewrite them correctly.

  1. on saturday we went to dublin zoo and saw lions tigers and giraffes
  2. my best friends are emma james sophie and jack
  3. last summer we visited paris rome and barcelona
  4. before school started we bought books pencils and new uniforms
  5. when we arrived at the beach tom and lucy ran straight to the water
Part 2: Comma Challenge

A. Funny Sentence Fix
Commas can completely change a sentence’s meaning! Fix these sentences by adding commas:

1. Let’s eat Grandma! → ______________________________________________________

2. I enjoy cooking my pets and my family. → ______________________________________________________

3. We are going to learn to cut and paste kids! → ______________________________________________________

B. Create Your Own Funny Comma Mistake
Write a sentence that could have two different meanings depending on where a comma is placed.


BAM pg. 115 (use your calculator for all of this)

Q1, 2, 3, 4 + 5


BUS: léígh lth 118 arís

Ceisteanna: 1-5

Abairtí: tugann + dó, fanann, beireann + ar

Timpiste Bóthar Test Wednesday


Gaeilge: AL - Inniú sheet (1-20)

English: Sheet - il, ir, im, in words


90s Poster and Padlet

20 for 20 books

Book & Topic of the Week

Explanation Project - presentations on Wednesday!!!

80s Music on Padlet & Poster - look up some popular dances from the 80s and how to do them.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tue 21st HW


Project work

20 for 20 books

Book of the week


MYM week 13 - Tuesday

See image attached: just to 1 to 6


Aiste - Timpiste Bóthar - Foghlaim paragraf 1+2

Sheet - Léigh "An t-earrach" - understand what the paragraph means and create 1 question about this section.


Gaeilge: AL - Inniú sheet (1-20)

English: Sheet - il, ir, im, in words


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose! Big test tomorrow!!!

Explanation Project!!!

80s Music on Padlet & Poster - look up some popular dances from the 80s and how to do them. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

Mon 20th HW


Project work

20 for 20 books

Book of the week


MYM week 13 - Monday


Aiste - Timpiste Bóthar - Foghlaim paragraf 1

See image attached: Match up each image, with the correct numbered sentence and where it is. You'll need a dictionary!


Gaeilge: AL - Inniú sheet (1-20)

English: Sheet - il, ir, im, in words


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose! Big test Wednesday!!!

Explanation Project!!!

70s Music on Padlet & Poster - look up some popular dances from the 70s and how to do them. Dance for tomorrow!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Thurs 16th HW


Put the following words into sentences: (these can be modified too)

- complex, deft, obsolete, meticulous, distort 


MYM week 12 - Thursday

Folding paper sheet - both sides


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 7-12 - test tomorrow

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

Write the final paragraph to the Timpiste Bóthar


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose! Big test next week!!!

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

70s Music on Padlet & Poster - look up some popular dances from the 70s and how to do them

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Wed 15th HW


Capital Letters sheet - pg. 6

Complete (A) on the sheet

Write out paragraph 1 (section B) into your homework copy


MYM week 12 - Wednesday

BAM pg. 67 - Q6,7,8


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 7-12

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

An Eala sheet - léigh an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna - use dictionary and understand the story. PUT THE EFFORT IN! Otherwise, you will be writing out the translation!!!


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose! Mock test tomorrow

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

60s Music on Padlet & Poster

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tue 14th HW


Starlight Unit 5A

Activity B & C pg. 57


MYM week 12 - Tuesday

BAM pg. 67 - Q3, 4, 5


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 7-12

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

An Fháinleog sheet - léigh an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose!

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

60s Music on Padlet & Poster

Monday, 13 January 2025

Mon 13th HW


CAT 4 Practice Sheet


MYM week 12 - Monday

Entrance exam prep sheet - shapes and patterns


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 6 -10 

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

Léigh BUA lth 108

Scríobh an scéal + ceist 1, 2, 3


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose!

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Thurs 9th HW


MW entrance exam prep! set aside 20 minutes to complete. Read instructions carefully for each section.


BAM pg. 66

Q1 + 2

BAM pg. 67

Q1 + 2


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 1-6 - test tomorrow

Frásaí Timpiste - write 2 new sentences using another 2 of the 1-6 frásaí that you haven't yet used


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose!

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Wed 8th HW


Starlight - Read Unit 5A

Read pg. 59 (G) - explanation texts explain how or why something happens

Write down 3 possible options for an explanation project


Figure out 9 58/100

See image - complete 1-14


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 1-6

Frásaí Timpiste - write 2 sentences using any of the 1-6 frásaí


World Book Day