Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tue 14th HW


Starlight Unit 5A

Activity B & C pg. 57


MYM week 12 - Tuesday

BAM pg. 67 - Q3, 4, 5


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 7-12

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

An Fháinleog sheet - léigh an scéal agus freagair na ceisteanna


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose!

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

60s Music on Padlet & Poster

World Book Day