Thursday, 16 January 2025

Thurs 16th HW


Put the following words into sentences: (these can be modified too)

- complex, deft, obsolete, meticulous, distort 


MYM week 12 - Thursday

Folding paper sheet - both sides


Frásaí Timpiste - learn the meaning of 7-12 - test tomorrow

Na huimhreacha - know how to count up to 20 items as Gaeilge (these are your spellings too).

Write the final paragraph to the Timpiste Bóthar


Gaeilge: Na hUimhreacha

English: Spell It - Unit 13


Countries of Europe!!! We can't lose! Big test next week!!!

Research other explanation project ideas you could do with a partner.

Research cool interactive lapbook project ideas.

70s Music on Padlet & Poster - look up some popular dances from the 70s and how to do them

Thurs 6th HW

 Bring in a book you loved when you were younger to read to your buddy tomorrow Songs and readings for Confirmation If you are singing, try ...